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Created 27-Mar-16
71 photos

Fine Art Prints and Royalty Free
Stock Photography of Techatticup Gold Mine Nevada by James Marvin Phelps
Looking into the PastAiming for The StarsAbrupt StopRough LandingEnd of the RoadTouch of WinterRustic RelicsFaded HistoryRoad To Eldorado CanyonTechatticup MinePhillips 66Ford Model TTTechatticup MineBuilt Ford ToughHamms BeerPetrolianaRust StopChevrolet 3800Road WarriorJob-Rated

Categories & Keywords
Category:Travel and Places
Subcategory:North America
Subcategory Detail:United States of America
Keywords:Fine Art, Ghost Town, Gold Mine, James Marvin Phelps, James Marvin Phelps Photography, Nelson Nevada, Nevada, Old Cars, Stock Photography, Techatticup Gold Mine